Job Work Under GST Compliance, Documentation & Input Tax Credit

Job work plays a crucial role in the Indian manufacturing and processing industries. Under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, job work refers to a process where one party performs specific treatments or modifications on goods owned by another registered business. This ensures operational flexibility while maintaining compliance with GST regulations.

This blog provides a clear guide to job work under GST, covering compliance requirements, taxation, input tax credit, and the essential documentation for smooth operations.

What is Job Work Under GST?

According to Section 2(68) of the CGST Act, 2017, job work means “any treatment or process undertaken by a person on goods belonging to another registered person.” The job worker performs the work, while the principal retains ownership of the goods.

The principal must comply with tax provisions and ensure that the goods return within the specified time frame.

Key Compliance Requirements Under GST
1. GST Registration for Job Workers
  • Job workers must register under GST if their turnover exceeds the prescribed limit.
  • If unregistered, the principal may need to declare the job worker’s premises as an additional place of business.
2. GST Rates for Job Work Services
Type of Job WorkPrevious GST RateUpdated GST Rate
Engineering Job Work18%12%
Diamond Processing5%1.5%
Other Job Work (Registered)12%
Other Job Work (Unregistered)18%
Input Tax Credit (ITC) on Job Work

Under Section 19 of the CGST Act, 2017, a principal supplying goods for job work can claim input tax credit (ITC) on the GST paid for inputs and capital goods.

Conditions for Availing ITC:
  • ITC is available even if goods are sent directly to the job worker.
  • The processed goods must return within 1 year for input goods and 3 years for capital goods.
  • If not returned within this period, they are treated as supply, and GST applies.
Time Limits for Returning Processed Goods
Type of GoodsTime Limit for Return
Input Goods1 Year
Capital Goods3 Years
Moulds, Dies, Jigs, Fixtures, ToolsNo Time Limit
Waste Disposal Responsibility
  • A registered job worker can dispose of waste and pay the tax directly.
  • If unregistered, the principal must handle waste clearance and pay the GST.
Essential Documents for Job Work Transactions
1. Challan for Goods Sent for Job Work
  • Issued by the principal as per Rule 10 of the Invoice Rules.
  • Required even for goods sent directly to job workers.
2. Acknowledgment of Receipt
  • A signed confirmation from the job worker upon receiving the goods.
3. Job Work Agreement (if applicable)
  • A written contract outlining responsibilities, timelines, and tax implications.
4. GST Registration Certificate (if the job worker is registered)
5. ITC-4 Form (Filed Quarterly by the Principal)
  • Contains details of goods sent to and received from the job worker.
6. Invoice for Direct Dispatch to Third Parties
  • Necessary if the job worker directly ships finished goods to a buyer.
7. Waste Disposal Records (if applicable)
  • Required if waste is generated and disposed of from the job worker’s premises.
E-way Bill & Transportation Rules for Job Work
Movement TypeThreshold for E-way BillResponsible Party
Principal to Job Worker (Intra-State)₹50,000Principal
Principal to Job Worker (Inter-State)No LimitPrincipal
Job Worker (Registered) to Principal (Intra-State)₹50,000Job Worker
Job Worker (Registered) to Principal (Inter-State)No LimitJob Worker
Job Worker (Unregistered) to Principal₹50,000Principal
Job Worker to Customer for Sale₹50,000Job Worker/Principal
GST Return Filings for Job Work
GSTR-1Outward supplies of goods sent for job work
GSTR-3BMonthly tax summary
ITC-4Quarterly return for inputs sent to and received from job workers

Job work is essential for manufacturing and processing industries under GST. It allows businesses to outsource processes while remaining compliant. Proper documentation, tax adherence, and timely returns help ensure smooth transactions.

Understanding these provisions allows businesses to optimize tax credits, maintain compliance, and streamline operations.

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This article is only a knowledge-sharing initiative and is based on the Relevant Provisions as applicable and as per the information existing at the time of the preparation. In no event, RMPS & Co. or the Author or any other persons be liable for any direct and indirect result from this Article or any inadvertent omission of the provisions, update, etc if any.

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